
Term 4

Week 1

For our Fizzing and Foaming unit this term we are going to start looking at how we can combine different ingredients to cause reactions. You will recall that when we made lemonade last term you found a reaction between the Lemon Juice (An acid) and the Baking Soda (A base).
One way you can check to see if a substance is an acid is to use Red Cabbage! In the game below you need to add cabbage juice to the drinks to check if they are an Acid, Base or Neutral. Then you must serve the correct drink to your customer or you will make them sick! Have a go!  

GEMS Alien Juice Bar
Making Lemonade

Kitchen Chemistry

Week 3 

Click the link below to watch the BrainPOP clip on 'States of Matter'.
You might like to watch it a couple of times to ensure you have a good understanding of the information given to you. Once you have watched it then have a go at the quiz that pops up at the end.
Answer the following questions in your homework book.

States of Matter

1. What are the three main states of matter?
2. What is physical matter made up of?
3. Liquids have a fixed volume and a fixed state. True or False?
4. How can you turn a liquid into a gas?
5. Why does water turn into ice when you lower the temperature?
6. Name one other state of matter and give an example.

Week 4

Have a look at some fun science games!
Solids, Liquids and Gases
Matter Sorter

Week 5

In this activity to get the chance to plan and re-write one of three classic fairy tales. Read through the original fairy tale and then write your own! 

Week 6

We have been doing a lot of work on fractions the last few weeks. Here are some games for you to practice your knowledge!

(For those of you that would like to listen to more stories click the link below.)


  1. really loving the homework Miss Lewis :)

    Okay, it's really my mum typing but I am here telling her what to say :)


    1. I'm so glad you and your mum are enjoying the blog Brooklyn! Keep up the great work!

      Miss L

  2. Mum loves feeding the fish!


  3. I love the hambuger game. Amy

    1. It's great to see that you are enjoying the games Amy, well done!

      Miss L

  4. Thank you miss Lewis I thought the fish were going to eat me on the fish game!!!!

  5. Sorry the sentence that said the fish were going to eat me was from me AMY.

  6. My computer wouldn't let me PRESS THE BUTTON so I didn't get down very far.But i still liked the game;0

  7. I liked the measuring game I came twelfth on the leader board. Amy

    1. I like it too!! But I didn't get on the leader board.:(

  8. When i want to go on the computer i go on the blog

  9. at st gs they are learning about acids ,bases and nuterals!:0
